Customize Printed Mailings to Maximize Your Impact

Posted on Thursday, August 27, 2020 06:49 AM

One of the best ways that brands can engage their customers is by making people feel valued and unique.
Brands that are able to provide their customers with this feeling of connection are going to be one step closer to creating true advocates for their brand. Perhaps one of the best ways that modern organizations can offer a customized experience is through meaningful personalization -- far beyond the "Dear Friend" found in some mass mailings.
See how businesses are using personalization in their printed materials to create an experience that customers will appreciate and remember. 
Tailored Offers Drive Traffic
Grocery stores are able to effectively track a massive number of items and customers, including when and where they purchased specific products.
While your business may not be quite that complex, you can certainly track in a more simplistic way in order to offer timely and meaningful coupons to your customers. For instance, offering a discount card tied to someone's phone number allows you to discover which days of the week they are coming to see you and how often. Upsell your services by providing discounts on off-days when they may not visit or to shorten the time between services. This strategy works especially well for service-based businesses such as hair and nail salons. 
Treating People Like Family
If you are able to capture additional information about your customers such as the age of children, this allows you a greater opportunity to customize your message.
Knowing the general age of your customers or whether they're empty-nesters, young parents, or an older retired couple provides you with the information that you need to create offers that are more compelling. One example would be a restaurant whose tables are nearly empty on a Wednesday night. Sending information to young families that Kids Eat Free on Wednesdays is likely to bring in a wealth of new business on that evening and keep your tables full. 
Move-In Special
There are many businesses that thrive on new families moving into the area -- from retail establishments to grocery stores and everything in between.
Consider working with a few complimentary businesses in your region to create a move-in special: a package of offerings that can be mailed to families just as they move into the area. These hot new potential customers have not yet formed an opinion of the area and will need to create new shopping patterns. If your offer comes at the perfect time as they're moving in and purchasing new products for their home, they are likely to continue visiting your establishment over the years. 
There are many different ways that your business can take advantage of a compelling, personalized offer in print.