A Pro Guide to Make the Perfect Business Cards for Your Brand

Posted on Monday, January 04, 2021 02:05 AM

A Pro Guide to Make the Perfect Business Cards for Your Brand

Just like designing a creative business logo, you must be clear on the look and feel of your Business Cards as well. And the irony is, it isn't super easy as it might sound.


For most business owners, it is hard to know what they want from their final design. If you are also struggling with the same thing, worry not! This post has been crafted to help you to create a business card that best represents your business, one that looks creative and meets all your requirements.

Here are the most crucial things that need your attention while designing your business card:

#1 Size

The size of your card is the primary thing that you need to decide before moving forward with other elements. There are two standard sizes for business cards:

  • Standard US business cards: 8.5 cm x 5 cm or 1050 pixel x 600 pixel
  • Standard UK business cards: 8.5 cm x 5.5 cm

#2 Text

Always ensure that your font is easy to read. It is not a good idea to use a font size of less than 8-9 points. Along with the font type and size, it is essential to pay special attention to the text alignment and spacing. A messy/wrong alignment will make your business card look unattractive, and if there is some issue with spacing, reading the text will be hard for your audience, so choose it wisely.

#3 Colors

Deciding on the colors is another tricky thing; for instance: when you get your business cards printed, you might come across that the grey color you selected during the designing process with a graphics tool is different on the final outcome. Usually, it is not a big deal for the basic business cards, but we would highly recommend you to keep it in mind.

However, if you are concerned about the actual colors on the printed business card, we will suggest discussing it with your printing service provider. Most of the professional Digital printing services provide you with a sample printed business card before you get the entire order produced.

#4 Paper

The weight does matter! You should never go with paper that is extremely thin or thick. You can get recommendations from a paper vendor or bring the business cards that you are impressed with (collect either from your colleagues or business partners) and show them to a paper vendor, and they will help you find similar paper stocks that will work well for your design. Business cards crafted out of poor quality paper will indicate that your business isn't attentive to these little but essential things. Cards must be attractive and empower your brand to generate more sales and not fill your potential customers' minds with doubt regarding your business.

#5 Elements

Before moving forward with business card designing, let's have a look at the primary elements that all business cards should contain:

  • Contact Information: It is an essential component that should appear clearly on your business card. Your prospects require these contact details if they wish to contact you for business. It should include the contact person’s name, phone number, email address, mailing address of your office (if any), and your business website.
  • Title: Whether you believe it or not, a title can make or break the whole purpose of your business card. Your prospects must know what you do and what position you are working at in the company. Mention clearly whether you are a manager or the owner of the company.
  • Business name and description: Your company name and logo are the obvious additions to your creative business card. However, the description is not always a full paragraph explaining your business. Instead, it can be a creative short tagline.

#6 Design

Since you have a crisp and clear outline for your business card, you are now all set to decide on the designing elements. There are two primary things to keep in mind: 1) Go for a business card style that suits the personality of your business, niche, and your personal style. 2) All the printed information should be easy to read and understand.

Take a look at some of the most popular types of business card designs you can opt for:

  • Basic design: Businesses nowadays prefer very professional looking basic card styles. These types of cards are sleek, classic, and extremely easy to read.
  • Picture design: As the name implies, this type of card has an image or creative graphic as the main element. On this, the business card elements are not just the text, and these are perfect for industries like photography, graphic designing, printing, flowers, gifting, etc.

If you want to go with this business card style, you should pick a graphic/image that speaks for itself. We would recommend going with the picture that represents your business’s main offerings. The professionals at most of the Digital printing services can also help you decide on the images.

  • Creative design: When it comes to creative designs, there are numerous possibilities, and you can utilize those one or multiple options to ensure that your business leaves an unforgettable impression on your prospects' minds. You can go with different shapes, small or big sizes, foldable cards, and much more. All of these creative ideas will help your brand stand out and grab your prospects' attention.

So, all these are our top tips that will help you design Business Cards that will drive attention to your business and help you make better connections. Thanks for reading!